PokerStars a anuntat printr-un comunicat de presa programul pentru sezonul 6 al turneului  LAPT, care este cel mai mare din aceasta regiune. Enjoy Casino & Resort în Viña del Mar, Chile, va gazdui turneul in perioada 13 – 17 martie. Al saselea sezon al LAPT va avea sase opriri in Chile, Brazilia, Columbia, Peru, Panama si Uruguay, unde va avea loc si marea finala.

Evenimentul de anul trecut a atras 672 jucatori si a generat premii de 651.840 de dolari.

Jucatorii din intreaga lume vor avea multe oportunitati de a participa, fie prin cumpararea intrarii direct de pe site, fie prin calificarea live ori online. Cel mai simplu mod de a participa la turneu ramane insa castigarea unui loc pe


Redactor:  Moldoveanu AndreeaPokerStars announced through a press release the schedule for Season 6 of the Latin American Poker Tour (LAPT) which is the biggest poker tour in Latin America. The Enjoy Casino & Resort in Viña del Mar, Chile, will host the tournament from March 13 to March 17. The sixth season of the LAPT will make six stops, with tournament festivals in Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Panama and Uruguay, where the Grand Final will be held.

Last year’s main event attracted 672 players and generated a prize pool of $651,840.

Players around the world will have many opportunities to participate, either by buying in directly on-site or qualifying via live or online satellites. The easiest way to play the new LAPT events remains by winning a seat on



Redactor: Moldoveanu Andreea